How to motivate employees?

Committed employees are the driving force behind a thriving enterprise. How to motivate employees and thus convince them that it is worth working together for the company’s success?

Every employer should understand that motivation is not only additional costs, but also an investment in subordinates. Motivating employees brings many benefits – it drives them to achieve the set goals.

What is motivation?

According to the Encyclopedia of Management, work motivation is the creation of a system of forces that will induce an employee to behave in accordance with the employer’s expectations. In other words, motivating employees is influencing them (providing resources and meeting their expectations) so that both parties benefit.

Although you can divide the motivation into negative and positive, the latter turns out to be much more effective. So how do you motivate your employees so that they have a positive attitude towards fulfilling their duties?

Firstly: effective management

One of the most important motivators is the feeling of being important, useful and responsible. For this reason, each employer should ensure that his/her subordinates have a well-organized division of duties, that everyone is clearly instructed about what their tasks are. Effective management is the key to achieving goals, avoiding misunderstandings and disputes. Do you want to better manage your subordinates by giving them a sense of belonging? We invite you to our “Engaging Leader” programme, as well as to other ones, dedicated to managers!

Secondly: intangible motivation

How can we motivate employees without incurring costs? Focus on keeping them intrinsically motivated! This is oriented towards meeting internal human needs. The employees take action without the prospect of reward. Perhaps they are passionate about their work and find it satisfying in itself. Perhaps they feel needed, responsible for their task. So can we maintain employees’ intrinsic motivation? Make sure that the following elements are present in their work:

  • Areas to discover – what interests your employees increases their curiosity and willingness to learn. Let them develop in directions that intrigue them.
  • Sense of influence – let your employees feel that they have an impact on their work and company results.
  • Recognition – praise your employees. However, try not to repeat the same praise, as it then loses its power.
  • Motivating cooperation – create a team within your company that drives each other’s engagement.
  • Healthy competition – compare the effects of your employees’ work, but remember that these results should be similar – a large discrepancy can be demotivating.
  • Challenges – raise the bar for your employees. They will certainly pursue their goal if it is related to their personal values and interests.

Thirdly: extrinsic motivation

Extrinsic motivation is nothing more than the influence of external factors on the drive to act and achieve goals. This concept includes those company activities aimed at motivating employees. There are many methods, and they can be divided into pecuniary and non-pecuniary. The former include: pay rises, discretionary bonuses and any other financial rewards for specific achievements or results. On the other hand, non-pecuniary methods of motivating employees could include: passes to sports facilities (gyms, fitness clubs, swimming pools, etc.), insurance packages, medical care, passes to cultural facilities (cinemas, theatres, museums, etc.), courses (in languages or other competences useful at work), Christmas vouchers, meals at the expense of the company, or team-building trips. These methods can also benefit the employers and their companies – such as by organizing a team-building trip, the company provides its employees with entertainment and relaxation, and at the same time builds a bond between co-workers, thanks to which their teamwork will improve, which will translate into better results of the whole company.

When should we use negative motivation?

Negative employee motivation can be counter-productive. Working in a company in which reprimands and penalties are introduced may generate stress in employees, which in turn can reduce their efficiency. However, the introduction of regulations, the content of which must be known and accepted by all employees, is also considered a negative motivation. Breaking the rules has certain consequences. Negative motivation can therefore complement positive motivation to maintain balance. Clearly established rules can protect against various types of abuse.

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